Guest Instructors
I have organized for your benefit a rotating team of dynamic and exciting guest instructors teaching workshops at Terri's Firehouse Tango Milonga at our Leonia, NJ studio room for private lessons and group lessons every week.
We are the place for everyone to benefit from this great opportunity to learn different styles, and techniques to give you greater confidence and poise where ever you go. You never know when you may be at a wedding, event, or party to show your stuff.
At Terri's Firehouse Tango Milonga II we offer variety, diversity, and opportunity to experience the abundance of styles that Tango offers. Learning these diverse styles enrich everyone from the first-timers to the all-timers to merge it with your own unique and individual style that is yours alone.
Contact me directly to arrange for your one-on-one, private lesson to match you up with our team of master instructors that best fit your need and skill level.
call me at 845 270-1201 or email: